Ironman Slot Allocation
- Ironman 70.3 Kraichgau was different, there was a massive roll-down during last year's slot allocation ceremony. For many reasons, there was a good probability that this year would be similar. The ceremony started at 8pm with the slot allocation for female age groupers, it took around 30 minutes.
- 2021 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, in St. George, Utah, USA on 17 - 18 September 2021 - IRONMAN LAKE PLACID 2021 Quote Reply Re: Virtual Slot Allocation LifeTri In reply to.
- (April 9, 2020) – IRONMAN today announced adjustments to the slot allocations for the 2020 Vega IRONMAN ® World Championship based on qualifying events that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The IRONMAN World Championship qualifying window for the 2020 Vega IRONMAN World Championship has been officially extended from.
XC Age Division Slot - A minimum of one (1) IRONMAN World Championship slot will be awarded to EACH XC Age Division. Each IRONMAN (140.6) XC Series event in 2021 will have two (2) preset Age Divisions: 49 and Under (includes both male and female athletes) 50 and Over (includes both male and female athletes). Along with this I’m now able to look at slot allocations and qualifying times at 70.3 races. So, I can tell you that Ironman 70.3 Weymouth starts with a standard 40 slots for the 70.3 World Championship and then adds another 25 slots to the women’s age groups as part of their Women-for-Tri program.
The IRONMAN World Championship qualifying window for the 2020 Vega IRONMAN World Championship has been officially extended from August 23, 2020 to August 30, 2020. With this change, the 2020 editions of IRONMAN Canada – Penticton (August 30), IRONMAN Kazakhstan (August 23) and IRONMAN Vichy (August 23), will now offer 60 qualification slots each to the 2020 IRONMAN World Championship in addition to the qualification slots they offer for the 2021 IRONMAN World Championship.

IRONMAN races that have been postponed from an earlier date in the 2020 season and are rescheduled to take place on or before August 30, 2020 will remain in the 2020 IRONMAN World Championship qualifying season. Events that have been postponed to take place after August 30, 2020 will move to the 2021 IRONMAN World Championship qualifying season. Additionally, the Legacy Program has been allocated additional slots for 2020, providing every eligible waitlisted Legacy athlete the ability to race in the 2020 IRONMAN World Championship.
The 2020 Vega IRONMAN World Championship is scheduled to take place in Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i on Saturday, October 10, 2020.
As further changes are made to the slot allocation of events, they will be updated on the individual IRONMAN event pages on
As Ironman Korea was cancelled and I have one less Ironman to review, here’s a look at some statistics for Ironman 70.3 Weymouth. I rarely review the data in details for Ironman 70.3 events outside of the World Championship, but reviewing Weymouth gives me the opportunity to highlight some updates to my statistics.
Firstly, you can now look at a large set of statistics on qualification for the Ironman 70.3 World championships here. I’m rapidly growing my database of 70.3 results so I can offer the same depth of statistics as for Kona qualification. Along with this I’m now able to look at slot allocations and qualifying times at 70.3 races. So, I can tell you that Ironman 70.3 Weymouth starts with a standard 40 slots for the 70.3 World Championship and then adds another 25 slots to the women’s age groups as part of their Women-for-Tri program.
Unfortunately, while I can process standard slot allocations for 70.3 races, I’ve got more work to do to handle these additional slots. I’ve treated them much like I’ve treated additional slots at other races (for specific nationalities or the military for example) and not factored them in. I’m keen to see how they’ve been allocated so I can update my allocation algorithm to handle them though.
For the second year in a row the Weymouth swim was short. We can see the shortened 2018 swim creating a double bump in the amalgamated data’s swim splits. A shortened swim makes it hard to compare splits – the swim is obviously faster and the change also shifts overall times. Bike and run distributions trend remarkably similarly to the past results with the bike being at most a few minutes faster at the median.
DNF rates for Weymouth this year are at a level which appears normal for the course. Highest on the bike and low levels on both swim and run.
Age group medians repeat the trends of the distributions – a shorter, faster swim followed by bike and run medians that closely match those form before.
Ironman 70.3 World Championship Slot Allocation
Most competitor come from the UK, but 10% are from further afield. So slots tend to stay in the UK with a few going elsewhere. Note that this doesn’t include the Women-for-tri slots. I’ll also mention the 2.5% shortage in slots reflects one slot that went into roll down due to no finishers in its age group. Weymouth has been good for highlighting areas of the system I can improve!
The trend towards faster times shown in the age group positions charts above is mostly due to two years of shortened swims. Without that the course results look like they would have been quite stable.

Ironman Canada Kona Slot Allocation
Based on the start list I’ve calculated the allocation of the main 40 70.3 slots on offer. This doesn’t factor Women-for-Tri slots or roll downs so the final allocation will vary. Women’s age groups will all have distributions more comparable with the men’s. You can compare this with other races on my Ironman 70.3 Championship Qualification page.
As we’d expect the shortened swim ensures this year’s race is much faster than the averages. 2019 has many of the fastest times in the top twenties. However, as the split distributions suggest, times would be much closer to average had the swim been full distance.
You can access a spreadsheet of the full results from Ironman 70.3 Weymouth 2019 on my Google Drive.